International Tour

International Barcelona (Spain) Tour - 10 July 2017 - 14 July 2017

Students attending International Workshop at Barcelona!! On *MODERNISME- “GAUDI AND HIS TIME”* from 10th to 14th July 2017 Students are learning “Modernism” with Barcelona as a case study. Working together with a mixed group of Spanish and Istanbul students in an intensive five day workshop. Guided by the Professors of Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB, students are exploring the public spaces and learning the varied fabrics that shape the town of Barcelona. They are also going to learn the stop motion technique and will be awarded an *Assistant Diploma”* certificate at the completion of the workshop by Barcelona school of Architecture!!

International Dubai Tour from 01st November 2017 - 07 November 2017

Students attending International Dubai Tour (1st to 7th Nov 2017)

Admission Open 2022-23
Welcome to a perfect one-stop destination to explore and harness your creativity.