Mentor Mentee

Nurturing Excellence through Mentorship at Smt. K. L. Tiwari College of Architecture

At Smt. K. L. Tiwari College of Architecture, we recognize that the journey to becoming an accomplished architect requires not only a robust academic foundation but also the guidance and wisdom of experienced mentors. Our Mentor-Mentee program is meticulously designed to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment, where seasoned architects empower aspiring talents.

This program serves a dual purpose, manifesting itself in two distinct functions. The first function, known as the ‘career function,’ is dedicated to helping mentees hone their craft and prepare for career advancement. Mentors fulfill this function by providing invaluable advice, and guidance, and acting as role models and sources of inspiration. The second function, the ‘psychosocial function,’ focuses on bolstering the mentee’s confidence and personal growth. Mentors extend support through acceptance, empathy, and encouragement. They skillfully employ active listening and questioning techniques that stimulate deep reflection.

The Benefits of a Fruitful Mentorship Relationship

The advantages of a constructive mentorship relationship are multifaceted:

  • Learning and Best Practices: Mentorship offers mentees the opportunity to reflect and learn from the wisdom and experiences of others. It serves as a vital platform for sharing best practices in the realm of architecture.
  • Goal Attainment: Through mentorship, mentees receive the support needed to define and achieve their professional and personal goals. The process is driven by clearly defined objectives, with mentors helping mentees break down these goals into manageable steps for achievement.
  • Confidence and Engagement: Mentorship empowers mentees to become more confident in their abilities and more engaged in architectural pursuits. It provides a space for mentees to reflect on their progress and achievements, while mentors expose them to diverse aspects of the architectural field.
  • Independence and Innovation: Mentorship equips mentees with tools and strategies to become independent, innovative, and responsible learners. Mentors guide mentees towards activities and practices that promote self-reflection, ultimately enabling them to make informed decisions and solve complex architectural challenges.


The primary objectives of our Mentor-Mentee program are:

  • To facilitate self-reflection, goal setting, and skill development among mentees, nurturing a sense of belonging within the architectural community.
  • To equip mentees with effective teaching strategies, classroom management skills, and lesson planning through guidance, feedback, and practical experience.
  • To encourage a commitment to staying updated on architectural trends and research, promoting a culture of lifelong learning.
  • To cultivate lasting professional connections between mentors and mentees, fostering collaboration and support networks.

Program Components:

Our Mentor-Mentee program encompasses several key components:

  • Regular Meetings: Mentor-mentee pairs meet regularly to discuss goals, progress, challenges, and lesson plans, aligning with the college’s academic schedule.
  • Observations: Mentees have the opportunity to observe their mentors in action within architectural contexts, gaining invaluable insights into teaching techniques and strategies.
  • Feedback: Mentors provide constructive feedback to mentees, helping them refine their teaching methods and address concerns and questions.
  • Professional Development: The program offers a range of workshops, seminars, and resources to support ongoing learning and growth.
  • Reflection: Mentees are encouraged to reflect on their architectural experiences and share these reflections with their mentors, fostering self-awareness and growth.


Participating in our Mentor-Mentee program offers a host of benefits:

  • Personalized Guidance: Mentees receive one-on-one guidance tailored to their unique needs and career aspirations.
  • Increased Confidence: Through mentor support, mentees gain confidence in their architectural abilities and teaching competencies.
  • Effective Architectural Practices: Exposure to mentors’ teaching methods equips mentees with effective classroom management and instructional strategies.
  • Professional Network: The program actively promotes the formation of a professional network, creating a sense of community and belonging within the architectural field.

The Mentor-Mentee Program at Smt. K. L. Tiwari College of Architecture is a cornerstone of our commitment to nurturing excellence and empowering future architects. By fostering personal and professional growth, enhancing teaching proficiency, and nurturing enduring professional relationships, the program plays a pivotal role in the continued success of our architectural community.

This mentorship initiative not only enriches the architectural journey for mentees but also provides mentors with an opportunity to give back to the architectural community and engage in reflective teaching practices. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement that contributes to the ongoing enhancement of our college’s architectural ecosystem.

List of Mentor-Mentee

Mentorship Program Evaluation Report: Nurturing Professional Growth
Admission Open 2022-23
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