
Housing Principles as seen in ‘The Belapur Artist Colony’ done by Charles Correa Background of the study

This research aims at applying shape grammars as a method for generating improved social housing design systems which may contribute to the development of more diversity in external areas and public spaces, creating identity and appropriation by its dwellers. In order to achieve such goals we start by analyzing social housing plans as case study

Housing Principles as seen in ‘The Belapur Artist Colony’ done by Charles Correa Background of the study Read More »

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Urban villages in Indian cities are urbanized villages, that is, original villages that have conformed themselves to the urbanization around them. In India, they are existing pockets of old villages that have gotten cramped among the rapidly rising city around them. Small and intimate The area can comfortably be covered on foot The scale of the


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What are the benefits of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)?

What are Sustainable Drainage Systems? Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are drainage solutions that provide an alternative to the direct channeling of surface water through networks of pipes and sewers to nearby watercourses. The use of Sustainable Drainage Systems can reduce the risks and impacts of surface water flooding, improve water quality, and enhance the amenity

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Recycling Construction Waste: Embedding
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Construction industry is one of the major contributors in environmental pollution due to the humongous amount of waste generated on construction sites. The annual construction and demolition waste is estimated to be around 30 million tonnes in India. However only 5% of total waste is recycled as mentioned in Guidelines on environmental management of C&D

Recycling Construction Waste: Embedding
sustainability in Architecture
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सब जल रहा था आसपास,पर आग कहीं नहीं थी।रौशनी इतनी थी कि दिखना बंद हो गया था,सब रंग बस सफेद बन कर रह गए थे।तपता सूरज आज प्यासा था,बस चूसता जा रहा था।सभी आशाएं दम तोड रही थी।जीने की लालसा,मेहनत करने का हौसला,सब चूस चुका था।सूरज गरम लू का कौड़ा चला रहा था।उसकी फटकार से

सांँझेदारी Read More »

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