
Best college in mira road

The Relationship Between Music and Architecture

Music and Architecture are a combination that I in earlier years of Architecture, have learned to enjoy. When I heard the words “Music and Architecture”, the first thoughts that come in mind are how there is correlation between the two. Surprisingly enough, there are many

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Best College


सब जल रहा था आसपास,पर आग कहीं नहीं थी।रौशनी इतनी थी कि दिखना बंद हो गया था,सब रंग बस सफेद बन कर रह गए थे।तपता सूरज आज प्यासा था,बस चूसता जा रहा था।सभी आशाएं दम तोड रही थी।जीने की लालसा,मेहनत करने का हौसला,सब चूस चुका

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Best College In Miraroad

Creating Architecture

What makes the spaces live? Building exteriors, interiors, Indoor & outdoor spaces, Interaction of people or lots of happenings in everyday life occurring at building premises? Actually it’s a combination of all the things which specified here, because both the physical as well as emotional

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