Smt. K. L. Tiwari College of Architecture: Pioneering Research and Innovation in the Architectural Realm

At Smt. K. L. Tiwari College of Architecture, we firmly believe that the path to addressing global challenges and enriching the quality of life lies in the depths of research and the wings of radical innovation. Our institution places a strong emphasis on nurturing the Innovative Spirit through a dedicated focus on research and academics.

We acknowledge that the future is laden with both challenges and opportunities, necessitating a new generation of architects who are not only well-versed in the latest technological advancements but are also proficient in crafting innovative solutions to tackle the world’s most pressing issues.

To achieve this aspiration, we are committed to seamlessly intertwining research with academics. We establish meaningful connections and collaborations at both the Institute and University levels, especially concerning manpower exchange programs and research-based activities. This approach cultivates a dynamic culture of innovation and research, propelling the growth of both our students and faculty.

Our commitment to research and development permeates every facet of our academic programs. From pioneering curricula to state-of-the-art research facilities, we provide our students with the necessary tools to excel on the global stage.

We take immense pride in our innovative spirit and remain steadfast in our dedication to developing ground-breaking technologies that offer solutions to global challenges and elevate the quality of life. We extend an invitation to join us at Smt. K. L. Tiwari College of Architecture and become an integral part of the next generation of architects and researchers.


Our objectives stand as guiding beacons for our commitment to innovation and research:

  1. Fostering Competitive Development: To cultivate innovation and research that leads to competitive and holistic development.
  2. Establishing Excellence in Innovation: To position our college as a Center for Excellence in Innovation through an interdisciplinary approach.
  3. Building Academic Profiles: To create opportunities for architectural students to construct strong academic profiles for successful careers.
  4. Youth Empowerment: To enhance the productivity of our youth and channel their intellectual capabilities towards improvisation and invention for the betterment of society.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To realize our objectives, we undertake the following roles and responsibilities:

  1. National and International Conferences: Organizing conferences at national and international levels to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration.
  2. Training Programs and Workshops: Conducting short-term training programs and workshops to nurture research skills and foster innovative thinking.
  3. Establishing Collaborations: Building partnerships with other institutions and organizations for research projects, encouraging cross-pollination of ideas.
  4. Paper Presentation Seminars: Arranging seminars to hone paper presentation techniques for both faculty and students, designed to meet international standards.
  5. Cultivating Research Culture: Instilling a passion for research among students and staff by organizing paper presentation competitions and promoting the publication of research articles.
  6. Identifying Research-Oriented Faculty: Recognizing and encouraging members of the faculty who display an inclination towards research activities.

At Smt. K. L. Tiwari College of Architecture, our dedication to research and innovation is a cornerstone of our educational approach. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey into the world of architectural exploration and discovery.

3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers  published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five year

Sl. NName of the teacherTitle of the paperTitle of the proceedings of the conferenceName of the conferenceNational / InternationalYear of publicationISBN number of the proceedingAffiliating Institute at the time of
Name of the publisher
1Prof. Rupali H. GupteReflections and learning outcomes:
Approaches to
analyse the learning of pedagogical assignments in the UG course of
 Architecture Pedagogy (ICAP), New DelhiInternational Conference2019978-819377493  
 National Conference2020 Symbiosis Skills And Professional
3Prof. Rupali H. GupteReflective Learning – Experience –
Reflect – Realise
2021  Architecture and
Infrastructure Planning
4Prof. Rupali H. GupteAnalysing the implementation of Freirian model for
achieving critical conscious learning
outcomes in higher education
   20211378-4568 Anvesak, UGC Care
Group | Journal, Vol. 51, n0.1 (XV)
5Prof. Rupali H. GupteBloom ‘s Taxonomy- A universal measuring tool to
assess the learning outcomes of an architecture Design project
   2021978-93-89934-29-8 A multi-disciplinary International Congress, Good Practices and capacity building for
6Asst. Prof. Pranali Pradeep OhaleA perception towards the inception phase of architecture  International Conference2023978-81-962592-0-4SB Patil College of Design and Architecture,
Nigdi, Pune
Admission Open 2022-23
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